Learn the concepts of Artificial Intelligencing using the below mentioned concepts -...
Learn the concepts of Artificial Intelligencing using the below mentioned concepts - 12 Sessions Program : Multiple Batches Available
Know more about :
Machine Learning
Speech Recognition
Image Recognition
Text Recognition
Model Framing.
Learning Outcome : The student will get introduced to the magical world of Artificial Intelligence. They will learn how to frame ML models using text, image, and sound. And will learn to create projects on the training model using block coding.
Batch 1
Start Date: 11th of July : Mon/Wed/Fri Batch :Class Dates : July 11th , 13th ,18th , 20th , 22nd , 25th , 27th, 29th , Aug : 1st , 3rd , 5th )
Batch 2 : Starts Date : 19th July Tue/ Thurs/Sat Batch : Class Dates July :19th , 21st , 23rd , 26th 28th , 30th August : 2nd 4th and 6th , 9th , 11th , 13th )
20 Classes |MULTIPLE BATCHES | Time 15:00 PM Dubai | Please Note: Once the booking is done , the links for joining will be emailed and whatsapped to you. Please ensure you share complete and correct email and mobile number
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